Welcome to Olivia Creates

Hi there! I am Olivia Davis the inspiration, motivation and owner to this beautiful accessories company. Olivia Creates started with my dad who saw it fit for me to own something that I could be proud of, even from the age of 2. He had a vision, and with God, he made it my reality. He wanted me to learn how to build, grow and reap the rewards of my labor.

Candle Collection

Letter Keychains

Customize Your Keychains

A great gift for Birthdays, Weddings, Love ones or even for yourself.

Get yours today!

The keychains listed below are currently in stock

Thank you for visiting and supporting Olivia Creates
This page is maintained by Olivia’s dad, Orette. All purchases and inquiries will be directed to him. Each accessory sold is a direct contribution to Olivia’s College Fund.
“The heights by great men reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night.”
 ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow